Available Sunday morning?

Pro Presenter Slides
Advance the slides during worship service

Slides have to be manually advanced during the worship service. Training provided. All that is required is to sit in the back and push a button to advance the slides at the appropriate time. For more info contact the office at admin@graceorleans.ca or speak to someone in the sound room on Sunday morning.

Camera Operator
Capture the action Sunday mornings

Operate the camera(s) during worship to allow the folks at home to see the action!   Please speak to Judy Richmond, contact Arlene in the office at admin@graceorleans.ca or speak to someone in the sound booth Sunday mornings.

Sound Tech
Do you hear what I hear?

Sound is essential to getting the message of the gospel across. We need to be able to hear the music, singers, musicians and speakers!  This is a vital ministry here at Grace both for our in person worship and for those online. Training and support provided. All you need to have is a willingness to learn and commit your time on a Sunday morning.

Sunday School
"Let the little children come to me...."

Children are near and dear to the heart of Jesus. We offer a simple one room Sunday School with Bible lesson, craft and activities that are organized for you. We just need people willing to care and spend time with the kids Sunday morning. Is that you?  Contact the office or Tomm Kuiperij if you can help at admin@graceorleans.ca

Welcoming all to God's house

Smile! If you can do that, you have this job skills to greet. Make everyone feel welcome as they come to worship Sunday mornings. Speak to Shirley Blank if you can help in this important ministry.

Sunday School Organizer

This is the administrative part of Children's ministry. Picking the curriculum, coordinating the volunteers and making sure they have everything they need.  Thanks again go to Jan Rueger who is currently doing the job and could use some help. Please speak to Jan or contact the office if this is how you are able to serve.

Coffee Host
Enabling fellowship

Every Sunday coffee, tea and sometimes treats are prepared and put out for everyone to enjoy. It takes some dedicated people to make that happen and the clean up afterwards!  We have a commercial dishwasher that cleans dishes and mugs in under 5 minutes!  We just need more willing hands so the ones we have don't get overworked. This is also a great opportunity to get involved and get to know some of our wonderful kitchen ladies!